Smile is the greatest weapon

"Smile today and let everyone know that you are a lot stronger today than you were yesterday." 

This quote always reminds me of an Inner person which is always trying to come out even if you are already lying down on the verge of getting frustrated or demolish. Gut feeling always speaks a word of getting back but the fight between heart and mind continues unless one of the wins and we accept the fact of getting back or being lying there and accept the loss.

Even when superheroes go through all these situations they sometimes give up on themselves. I remember Green Lantern ( Hal Jordan ) his true power is dependent on the hope and strength of the mind and defeating him was easy only for one superhero, which indeed was batman. Batman's plan made his willpower crush and then broke his guts. 

Life teaches us a lot of things which we initially call Bad phases. But, bad phases in life teaches a lot of new learnings about life, health, family, and relationships. But, when someone goes through it he learns to smile and accept the fact of the moment that everything happens, happens for a good reason.

Smiling is a powerful weapon that every living being can utilize to make their life, even more, happier than it is already been. It can vanish the pain, anger, and anxiety that is making people vulnerable for time being.

So, keep smiling and let the positive wonders enter into one's life and make one's life damn easy, forget all the stress and be the hero of your life by just spreading happiness into every corner you GO !!



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